Last night's capacity crowd reception honored the city of Los Angeles Transportation Department's new General Manager Seleta Reynolds. Not only is Reynolds a champion for safety and for great places, but she even committed to scheduling this reception though it coincided with her birthday.
A big thanks to all the folks responsible for making last night's reception a big success:
- Seleta Reynolds, for taking time out of her busy schedule to engage, encourage, and interact
- The David Bohnett Foundation, for sponsoring the event
- Hub L.A., for hosting the event in their warm creative collaborative space
- Angel City Brewery, Pitfire Pizza, and Big Man Bakes, for donating delicious beers, pies, and cupcakes, respectively
- Designed by Colleen, for delightful graphics on the event invite and Reynolds birthday card
- All of our great fellow hosting organizations, who promoted, volunteered, valet bike parked, signed-in, set-up, and took down, and who, along with Reynolds and many others, are out pushing for the livability victories that Streetsblog enjoys reporting daily: Safe Routes to School National Partnership, Los Angeles Walks, and the Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition. Thanks especially to Jessica Meaney, Deborah Murphy, Eric Bruins, and JJ Hoffman, the individuals who spearheaded the organizing efforts!