As cyclists eagerly await completion of the Expo Bikeway from Culver City to Santa Monica, some fixes are ongoing to the maligned-but-improving Phase I bike path.

Via Jonathan Weiss, a member of the city's official Bicycle Advisory Committee, comes some pictures of an improved section of the Expo Phase I bike route at the dangerous intersection of Exposition Boulevard, Gramercy Place and Rodeo Road.
In 2012, before the Expo Bicycle Advisory Committee was even formed, L.A.'s Bicycle Advisory Committee noted major safety issues where the Expo bikeway crosses the railroad tracks at the intersection of Exposition Boulevard, Gramercy Place, and Rodeo Road. Expo's Phase 1 included signals and bicycle markings that were confusing to motorists and cyclists. The Bicycle Advisory Committee warned that it was only a matter of time until there was a tragic crash.
The Advisory Committee, pushed the City Council and Expo Construction Authority to make changes to the intersection. The city council passed a resolution, the LADOT got to work and two years later the intersection was improved. The new intersection includes clearly marked places for bicycles to wait for the signal, better signage, and, yes, bright green paint.
Weiss asked that we credit LADOT Bikeways, and the offices of Councilmember Herb Wesson and Mayor Eric Garcetti for their work on this project.
The Expo/Grammercy/Rodeo intersection has new markings, some green paint and better signage. For more images from Jon Weiss' cell phone. click on after the jump.