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The City Council Planning & Land Use Committee is once again considering My Figueroa, which includes the city's first protected bikeway, and we need you there to be heard. As you may recall, the item was curbed another 30 days to study alternatives from the January 28th meeting. As the city's first protected bikweay, there is some fear-based opposition to change, which can only be overcome if those that believe in LA's future turn out!
My Figueroa is a complete streets project which transforms an auto-dominated corridor and balances it with transit, bike and pedestrian features. It is the first of Mayor Eric Garcetti's Great Streets. If this project is successful, we could see streets all across Los Angeles transformed to better meet the needs of all who travel on them.
Figueroa is particularly important because it connects so many of L.A.'s great institutions: Expo Park, the Coliseum, the California Science Center, USC, Staples Center & LA Live and all of downtown Los Angeles. These destinations are spread over three miles of currently inhospitable streets. They are too far apart to walk, but perfect for riding a bike. The new Expo Light Rail Line has made getting around by transit so much easier along this corridor, but the last-mile connections would be incomplete without the My Figueroa project.
Almost all other major cities in the U.S. have successfully implemented protected bike lanes along major thoroughfares, giving people mobility options and improving local business with every project. We know that it will work here in L.A. too, and we're incredibly excited that South L.A. will be the first community to benefit from this investment in advanced bicycle infrastructure.
We need you! If you want to see better bikeways and complete streets in your community, we need to make sure that the first Great Street in Los Angeles is a success. Please join us:
Planning and Land Use Management (PLUM) Committee
When: Tuesday, March 25; 2:30 p.m.
Where: Los Angeles City Hall, Room 350 - 200 N. Spring St., Downtown L.A.
You can also email committee members at these addresses:
To: Councilmember.Huizar@lacit
CC: Councilmember.Price@lacity
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