You are cordially invited to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the Los Angeles Eco-Village on Saturday evening, December 7, 2013 from 7pm to 11pm. We are honoring our former school board member and former city council member Jackie Goldberg and acknowledging the many people who have contributed to our community.. Wine, food, music, fun, silent auction, raffle, schmoozing, networking, hanging out with old friends, making new friends. We'd love to see you. And your donation supports new demonstration eco-technologies for our Urban Soil-Tierra Urbana limited equity housing cooperative.
Of course your donation above $25 is tax deductive as CRSP is a 501.c.3 tax exempt corporation.
Reservations required:
$25 to $100 donation** (includes wine & food)
Please pay on-line here
or send check to:
117 Bimini Pl #221
Los Angeles CA 90004
and put “Special Event” in memo
Get more details, here.