- Known Liar Spins Conspiracy Theories That LACBC/Flying Pigeon/KPCC Are Out for Him (Blvd. Sentinel)
- Could a Public-Private-Partnership Tunnel Under the 405? (FoxLA)
- Students Push UC System to Divest from Fossil Fuel Stocks (LAT)
- LAPD Blocks Car-Free Monthly Flea Market in DTLA (LA Weekly)
- CEQA Reform Requires Compromise (LAT)
- Burbank Tries to Figure Out Whether Or Not To Install Sidewalks Near Middle School (Leader)
- The 'Bu Considers Paid Parking for Parts of the PCH...to Help Calm Traffic (SMDP)
- Someone's Vandalizing Toilets on Skid Row (DTLA News)
- In L.A., Renting More Cost Effective Than Buying Because of Overstock (LAT)
- California the Second-Most Expensive State to Operate a Car in (SacBee)
- Willits Finally Getting a Freeway Bypass, No Longer Wants It (LAT)
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