- Zev: Maybe 405 Widening Isn't Totally Worth It (Daily News)
- Congress Members Hahn, Lowenthal: SCIG Needs Better Protections (Press-Telegram)
- Buscaino Sort of Sticks His Neck Out Defending Needed Bike Lanes in San Pedro (Daily Breeze)
- It's Official: Obama Puts Forward Anthony Fox for USDOT Secretary (Streetsblog Cap. Hill)
- You've Seen the Video, Here's the Rest of the Story on the Bike v Motorbike Crash (Biking in L.A.)
- California Bill Would Ban Hands Free Driving (Daily News)
- City Hopes to Extend River Bike Path to Sepulveda Basin (Curbed)
- Public Employee Bike Lane Immunity Bill Tabled in CA Assembly (Cyclelicious)
- $50,000 Reward for Hit and Run Information on March 24 Crash in Valley Glen (Daily News)
- Daily Carnage: Lakers Forward Sued After His Bentley Crashes into Car Dealership (Daily Breeze)
More headlines at Streetsblog Capitol Hill