- Garcetti Would Consider #RoadBond, Greuel Favors Piecemeal Approach (KPCC)
- C'Mon, China. Give Me $60 Billion for a High Speed Train - Jerry Brown (LAT)
- Daily News Says It's a Make or Break Trip for the Project (Daily News)
- Praise for Metro's "Every Lane is a Bike Lane" Campaign (Urban Velo)
- The SCIG/BNSF Fight Goes National (NY Times)
- YAWN...Beverly Hills Votes to Oppose Subway Under...YAWN...High School (BH Courier)
- Reason Foundation Report Estimates CAHSR Will Be...YAWN...Over Budget and Under-Ridden (Reuters)
- OC's Toll Road Building Authority In Hot Water Over Financial Mess (LAT)
- Breaking: Washing Subway Tunnels Makes Them Clean...Ok, They Do Look Much Better (The Source)
- Someone Is Really Excited with Metro's Gate Locking Plans (LAT)
- Car Magazine Tries Humor, Bribes, to Counter Panic Over Youth Indifference to Driving (Road and Track)
- Ted Wasn't Happy with Our Story on Hit and Run Justice in Beverly Hills (Biking in L.A.)
- A Quick CicLAvia Preview (LAist)
- Curbed Likes Our L.A. 2050 Project...You Should Vote for It
- Patch Likes Angelenos Against Gridlock's Plan to Rally for Rail
- Daily Carnage, Future Version: Toyota, Honda, Nissans Recalled for Faulty Airbags (Daily News)
- Young Boy, Mother, Hospitalized After Being Struck by Drunk Driver (Daily News)
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