Earlier this week, we debuted the new-look LADOT TAP Cards that will be available in May on Streetsblog LITE. Just like current LADOT TAP, you can add fare media for both LADOT and Metro on one card. Unlike the current cards, these could become collector's items as the Exposition Opening Cards already have.
People were so excited, there was a small social media buzz asking how to get the cards. LADOT happily reported that you can pre-order the cards now. LADOT spokesperson Bruce Gillman:
To pre-order cards call LADOT at (213,310,323 or 818) 808-2273. These personalized TAP cards will also be availble for pre-ordering beginning Friday on line at: http://www.ladottransit.com/ or by stopping in at the LADOTTransit store located at 201 N Los Angeles Street, Lower Level, Los Angeles, CA 90012. Cards will be in the store for walk-up purchases starting May 20th.