When UCLA started it's annual Complete Streets Conference in February of 2011, discussing topics like parklets, bike plan and implementation, seemed more like an academic exercise a description Los Angeles two years later. Now in it's third year, the conference continues to deliver innovative ideas, but also takes some time to reflect on local implementation. The first panel, "From Vision to Implementation: How cities are moving from pilots to programs," captures the complete street's movement's evolution from academia and planning charrettes to the city's streets.
Though the event is in Los Angeles, it's organized by the nationally-respected UCLA Complete Streets Initiative. This group participated in the National Award-Winning Model Design Manual for Living Streets, an open-source planning document that any city can use.
Last year, Gil Peñalosa, who implemented Ciclovia in Bogata, discussed CicLAvia in Los Angeles.

Parking happens on streets, and this guy knows parking.

The 2013 UCLA Complete Streets Conference is Thursday, February 28th from 8am to 7pm at the transit-friendly Doubletree in Little Tokyo. In addition to innovative ideas, registration includes breakfast, lunch, and hors d'ouvres. Despite what the registration page says, I've been assured that discounted "regular" registration will available through 6 p.m. today (Monday February 25th) so that Streetsblog readers don't have to pay the late registration rate.