120 South Los Angeles Street
Los Angeles, California 90012
United States
Map and Directions
The 2013 UCLA Complete Streets Conference will highlight recent accomplishments, explore new research, and present implementation examples and benchmarks to create multi-use street environments that promote vibrant, healthy and active communities. The conference will provide information on Complete Streets issues for planners, elected and appointed public officials, engineers, non-profit organizations, advocates, consultants, students and others involved in the Complete Streets field. Conference speakers and participants from academia and practice will advance new approaches and strategies for implementing complete and living streets in California and in the U.S.
This year, the conference features a keynote address from Janette Sadik-Khan, Commissioner, NYC Department of Transportation
8 hours of CM (AICP) credit is available for attendees.
About the UCLA Complete Streets Initiative
The UCLA Complete Streets Initiative is a joint effort of the Lewis Center for Regional Policy Studies, the Luskin Center for Innovation, and the Institute of Transportation Studies, all in the UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs. The Initiative's mission is to conduct research, educate students, and engage the public on the many critical, and often competing, roles streets play in creating a more vibrant, productive and sustainable California.