- NBC 4, CBS2 Manage to Finally Cover Hit and Run Epidemic, Don't Mention L.A. Weekly
- CAHSR Hasn't Bought Property to Start Rail Construction (LAT)
- Metro, Metrolink Finally Have Solution to Paper Ticket Transfer (KPCC)
- Thanks Gov., Without CRA Funding, Two Skid Row Parks About to Close (Downtown News)
- Well, There Goes Next Bus (Transit Wire)
- Breaking: Some People Think Big Dig a Bad Idea (SGV Trib)
- Garcetti: Hollywood Turnaround Proof of Leadership (Daily News)
- It's Official: LaHood Leaving USDOT. Villaraigosa? (The Fast Lane)
- Planning and Conservation League Talks CEQA Reform (Examiner.com 1, 2)
- Columnist Gets Lashing from Readers Over Advice to Not Make Way for Motorcycles on Freeway (LAT)
- Copenhagenize Presents: A Short History of Traffic Engineering
More headlines at Streetsblog Capitol Hill