The Planning Committee of Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition just opened a "wiki" webpage to help local advocates navigate the complex waters of bicycle policy and planning in Los Angeles County. Wiki's allow anyone to add information as is done on the gigantic Wikipedia website, where nearly all of the content is user create. You can visit the LACBC wiki by clicking here.

So here's the thing. It's hard to maintain a good wiki website. It takes a lot of volunteer hours to add content and even more hours to edit the website to make certain the information is accurate. Bikeside tried to maintain a high quality wiki website and it didn't work out in the long-term. And that's not a knock on them, Streetsblog tried to do it too, and it ultimately didn't work out either.
Here at Streetsblog, we think that wikis are a great way to spread information and take advantage of the online format. To encourage people to explore the Wiki, and in a shameless piece of self promotion, we are offering an L.A. Streetsblog bag or t-shirt to the first five people to update the LACBC wiki page that I created for L.A. Streetsblog.
Of course, to do that one has to register and learn how to post and edit entries. While you're there, I would check out the other parts of the website. Maybe you'll want to stay and hang out a little longer.