The Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition's East L.A. Bike Ambassador Program is proving to be one of its most active local programs. While the group is meeting again tonight to discuss strategy for working with the city to improve bicycle access and safety in East and Northeast Los Angeles.
It's been a cause celeb for many bike advocates to expand the My Figueroa! (aka South Figueroa Corridor Project) to Figueroa Street in Northeast Los Angeles. Now that desire has taken the form of an online petition at Change.Org asking LADOT and City Planning for Bike Lanes on North Figueroa Street between Colorado and San Fernando Boulevards.
As of publication, the petition has over 200 signatures, an impressive number but well short of the 500 signatures goal. You can sign the petition by clicking here.
In the petition the LACBC brings up more than just bike friendliness as a reason to invest in bike infrastructure. They focus on how a strong bike network creates a safer environment for all road users, fosters a stronger sense of community and increases the incentive for people to shop locally.