- State Lawmakers Used Government Funds to Fix Vehicle Fleet, Then Bought the Cars Personally (Daily News)
- Breakdown of Tuesday Night's Union Station Master Plan Meeting (The Source)
- Is Your Car Parked at a Broken Meter? Expect a Ticket (LAT)
- Artist Designed Gold Line Bridge Close to Opening (The Source)
- Electric Cars Not So Green Unless Powered By Renewable Energy (Streetsblog Cap. Hill)
- 7 Qualify for Mayor's Ballot (Daily News)
- Dan Walters: CEQA Overhaul Looms (SacBee)
- The Ports Are Open (Daily News)
- Bad News Antonio, LaHood Might Stay After All (Politico)
- Bus Service Changes Coming 12/16 (The Source)
- Fresh and Easy Pulling Out of U.S., What Does That Mean for L.A. Stores? (Curbed)
- Driving Column Promotes Lowering 2/3 Threshold for Transpo. Tax (Daily News)
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