- Measure J Officially Dies with 66.1% of the Vote (The Source)
- Alameda County to Recount Votes for Measure B1 (CoCo Times, East Bay Express)
- Roadshow: “Ridiculous” Two-Thirds Vote Margin For Transpo Tax Measures Should Be Lowered
- Garcetti, Greuel, Obvious Early Frontrunners (LAT)
- Streetsblog Contributor Carlos Morales Opens a Bike Shop (Biking in L.A., Boy on a Bike)
- Who's a Scofflaw Now, Stoner? (Press-Telegram)
- This Port Strike Is Getting Expensive (LAT)
- City Watch Reprints NYT Article on Crenshaw
- CA'S Urban, Transpo. Policies Are Unhealthy, Cause Asthma (Press Release)
- British Health Experts, Cycling Better Than Couch Surfing (Streetsblog Cap. Hill)
- Car Sales Way up in November (Daily News)
- CHP to Crack Down on Cell Phone-Using Drivers This Week (SacBee)
- Former Caltrans Boss Hikes Fares on Way Out Door at OCTA (OC Weekly)
More headlines at Streetsblog Capitol Hill