Download: October 2, 2012 BPIT Agenda
The last BPIT meeting for the calendar year will take place on October 2, 2012 from 1:00PM-4:00PM at the California Bear Credit Union Meeting Room located at 100S. Main St. Los Angeles, 90012. The meeting will begin with a discussion focusing on the recent implementation of multiple bicycle lane facilities, including the latest 1.5 mile stretch of buffered bike lanes along Olive St. and Grand Ave (which LACBCposted a nice photo of this morning, on Facebook).
What to Expect at BPIT
A synopsis of the first EIR bicycle lane package including public responses to the notice of preparation (NOP) will also be discussed, followed by an explanation of LACBC’s bicycle outreach strategy and requirements for Assembly Bill 2245, which would simplify the environmental review process for future bicycle lanes. In addition, LADOT and City Planning hopes to finalize the upcoming year’s priority package and bicycle friendly streets (BFS) so come ready with suggestions and helpful recommendations. Please click here to download the BPIT agenda.