- Wednesday - September brings a face-to-face meeting with partners of the Safe Routes to School community to celebrate our collective milestones and strategize our next steps. This year's "Southern California Safe Routes to Schools Face to Face Meeting" will be on Wednesday at the California Endowment from 10:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
- Wednesday - The Transit Coalition will host its monthly Dinner Meeting next Wednesday, September 26, 2012, featuring Phillip Law of SCAG, who will discuss the Santa Ana ROW transit project, at Metro Headquarters, One Gateway Plaza, Los Angeles in the 3rd Floor Union Station Conference Room. Get all the details at TTC's Events Brite page.
- Wednesday - Did you know South Pasadena, and many of its residents, oppose plans to extend the I-710 all the way to the I-210? Even if they do it by digging a big tunnel underneath their city? Shocking. And they're holding a meeting with geological experts and everything to talk about it. Get the details, here.
- Thursday - How do the built environment and human activity impact economic, social and ecological value? Why should cities and counties invest transportation and development dollars into bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure? Staff at the Southern California Association of Governments hold a public briefing on these and other Smart Growth Issues as part of their Toolbox Tuesdays series this Thursday at 11. RSVP, here.
- Friday, Saturday - The AltCar Expo at the Santa Monica airport is the largest showcase of "Clean Car" and other high-tech gizmos to make the world a cleaner place. And this year, they're holding it on Carmageddon weekend. I'm guessing nobody asked them if this was a good time. Regardless, we have their online flyer in the calendar section.
- Friday - Critical Mass, Wilshire/Western. 7 p.m. Details.
- Friday - L.A. Streetsblog and the Bikerowave team up for a night of Streetfilms, pot-luck and revelry. No door charge and donations benefit Shay Sanchez's Kick Butt and Get Better Fund. Get the Deets.
- Saturday - LACBC and its member groups in Culver City and Santa Monica plan a full day of Westside rides to celebrate Carmageddon. Sounds like fun. I'll be at one of them, but I'm not sure which yet. For the best map, visit the LACBC events page.
- Sunday - Despite what many Westsiders think, Carmageddon impacts this alien place known as "The Valley" that's on the other side of those big mountains. CICLE programs a ride to explore the Orange Line bike path for their Carmageddon celebration. Get all the details, here.
Did we miss anything? Blame Carmageddon! Or, email damien at streetsblog dot org.