- Jewish Journal Gathers a Collection of Westside Community Leaders on the Record Backing the Subway
- A Particularly Nasty Editorial Against High Speed Rail (OC Register)
- Tired of Film Crews Blocking Bike Lanes? Boycott Hollywood (Root Simple)
- Metrolink Hosts Rail Safety Lessons (LA_Now)
- A Look at Local Traffic Fatality Trends Shows O.C. Bucking the Norm (Biking in LA)
- Proof That Expo Tests Are West of La Cienega (Culver City Times)
- Mayor Has Plan to Increase Exports at Port of L.A. (Daily Breeze)
- Some Pics from the "Trade Your Car for a Bike" Swap (Daily News)
- Video: How Bikes Make Portland Cool (SF Streetsblog)
- "Planeageddon?" Really? (Daily News)
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