- Smog in L.A. Down 85% Since 1970's (Good Human)
- More Details on Potential Lawsuit Against Regional Connector (Downtown News)
- Villaraigosa, Civic Leaders, Battling in Washington for Transit Funds (LAist)
- More on Sunset Triangle Plaza (Curbed)
- Parks and Perry Ask Trutanich to Look at Redistricting Process (Daily News)
- Driver Hits Cyclist After Making Turn from Center Lane in Bev. Hills. Cops Blame Cyclist (Biking In L.A.)
- "Hands Free Cellphone Law" for Drivers Reducing the Number of Fatalities (Merc)
- Personal Car Sharing Comes to L.A. (LAT)
- Streak of Rising Gas Prices Comes to an End After 27 Days (Daily News)
More headlines at Streetsblog Capitol Hill