Tuesday, Wednesday - Metro may have completed the final environmental documents for the Regional Connector, but that doesn't mean you don't have one last chance to weigh in before the design state begins in earnest. You can click the link on the right to visit the Connector's webpage, or click here to get information for a pair of public meetings on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Wednesday - We usually don't publicize events that happen down in Long Beach, but this event seems like such a combination of fun and activism that I couldn't resist. Women on Bike SoCal launches a program to double the number of women and girls riding bicycles. The kickoff includes the announcement of a scholarship program for League of American Cyclists instructors that specialize in teaching women cyclists. Sounds like a good start. The kickoff starts at 9 A.M. at Bike Station. Click here for more details.
Wednesday - Vroom! More speed limit increases on the agenda. Fun times for the City Council Transportation Committee as it meets at 2:00 P.M. in City Hall. Get the details and the agenda, here.
Wednesday - The Living Room on Sunset Boulevard in Silverlake is hosting a fundraiser for the California Bicycle Coalition. Get the details, here.
Thursday - City Planning and the LA County Department of Public Health are sponsoring a series of workshops on TOD in South L.A. around the Green and Blue Lines. Get the details on this week's meeting at Augustus Hawkins Park by clicking here.
Friday - Do you love CicLAvia? I do. Get the details on their Valentine's Day fundraiser, here.
Sunday - L.A. Graffiti Artist LA graffiti artist Galo “MAKE ONE” Canote is back for another workshop! Learn about MAKE’S
creative process as he takes you on a journey into LA street culture and teaches you the fundamentals of letter structure and design. Get all the details, here.
If there's an event we missed, please email damien at streetsblog dot org.