Caltrans District 7 Free Workshop
Cycle 10 California Safe Routes to School (SR2S) Grants With a focus on the engineering improvements toolbox
Presented By
Ryan Snyder
Certified National Safe Routes to School Instructor
California Safe Routes to School (SR2S) State Program is administered by Caltrans and encourages walking and bicycling to and from school in grades K through 12 by increasing safety and decreasing traffic congestion around schools. Caltrans administers both a State and a Federal funding program.
Funds may be used for infrastructure improvements (capital improvements).
The purpose of the workshop is to explain what comprehensive Safe Routes to School programs are, and how to prepare a successful grant application.
Topics will include discussion of appropriate engineering improvements, the funding application process, and suggested strategies.
Conference Room 1.040A
Caltrans District 7 Headquarters
100 S. Main Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012