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Sustainability Forum & Veggie Potluck at L.A. Eco-Village

Hear these folks' most inspiring ideas from their participation in these Summer and Fall 2011 conferences on Planet Healing Sustainability and Regenerative Activities:

- The International Eco-Cities Conference held in Montreal. Julie Pasos reporting
Julie is on the board of the Rampart Village Neighborhood Council, one of the most intensely urban and multi-ethnic neighborhoods in the city of Los Angeles.  
She is the only person from our area who attended this important conference.  A native of Ohio, where she was one of nine children, she grew up reducing, reusing, recycling and inventing what they needed.  She is a frequent volunteer in the neighborhood, is tri-lingual, and teaches all  levels of English as second language.

- The Car-Free Cities Conference held in Guadalajara, Mexico. Bobby Gadda reporting
Bobby Gadda with his friend Adonia Lugo brought the concept of CicLAvia to Los Angeles.  He is currently the president of the CicLAvia board and works aas a "cook" at the Bicycle Kitchen.  He currently holds the position of Program Coordinator for the L.A. County Bicycle Coalition. 

-  The U.S. TimeBanks Conference held in Providence Rhode Island and the California Federation of TimeBanks 
Conference held in Pasadena with Autumn Rooney and Janine Christiano reporting
Autumn and Janine are the founders of the Echo Park Time Bank and the Arroyo Time Bank respectively, and jointly founded the California Federation of Time Banks.

 Bioneers in San Raphael. Lara Morrison reporting
 manages two 1920s multi-family buildings in LAEV, overseeing rehabs, maintenance and repair and eco-technologies. A 10-year resident
of LAEV, she sits on the Board of the Beverly-Vermont Community Land Trust, and the emerging Urban Soil/Tierra Urbana Limited Equity Housing
Cooperative, both organizations spawned by the LAEV community and its sponsoring nonprofit, Cooperative Resources & Services Project (CRSP).
She holds a Masters degree in Bioethics from the Medical College of Wisconsin, and a BA in Environmental Studies from the University of Washington.
She is a regular volunteer with KPFK Pacifica Radio and has coordinated the LEED Neighborhood Development Pilot Project for the Los Angeles Eco-Village.

 -  Southern California Permaculture Convergence held in Malibu & the International Permaculture Convergence held in
Jordan.  Wesley Roe, Margie Bushman, Joan Stevens, Camille Cimino*, Ray Cirino*, Bill Roley*  reporting.        *invited
This is the group of  permaculture activists who have put permaculture design principles seriously on the map in Southern California.  We would add Larry Santoyo to that list who also may be in attendance.

 - The Art of Community Conference held in Occidental California
Misha Mckinney, Lara Morrison, Steve Miller, Lois Arkin, Nissa Gustafson, and Carolina Gazzolo Clark, Deena Plotkin* reporting.   *Invited
Hear from the grass roots group of Angelinos who attended this event.

- Third annual Slow Money conference in San Francisco.  Wes Roe and Margie Bushman reporting
Wes and Margie are founders of the Santa Barbara Permaculture Guild and the South Coast Permaculture Guild.  They are among the most pro-active sustainability advocates in Southern California, hosting and organizing public events for a stream of internationally renown permaculture trainers.

National Community Land Trust Network Conference held in Seattle.  Tina Mata and Kristin Benjamin reporting
Tina and Kris sit on the board of the Beverly-Vermont Community Land Trust, the community development corporation continuing developments in the Los Angeles Eco-Village neighborhood.

Potluck goes from 6 to 7:30 pm.     Forum starts at 7:30

RESERVATIONS please:  213/738-1254 or
FEE:  No fee, just your presence and a vegetarian potluck dish (please bring  your own non throw-away eating ware)

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