Last night, 20 Streetsbloggers gathered at the Echo Park Film Center to watch Streetfilms and share our experiences on the streets of L.A., Mexico City, San Francisco, and Medillin. It was a great time and we look forward to holding more Streetfilms nights in 2012.
We're rounding out our year of events with two different fundraisers, both on the Westside. Yes, next year we're going to spread out our fundraisers a little better on the calendar.
On Saturday, November 5th at 6:30 P.M., L.A. Streetsblog Board Member, Huffington Post Writer and Westside transit supporter extraordinaire Joel Epstein is hosting a reception to benefit L.A. Streetsblog at his Brentwood home. Last year two dozen of us noshed on Indian food on a rainy December night and we hope to shatter that attendence record this time. Suggested donation is $100, but if you can't pay that much and still want to join us all are welcome. Since we're partying at someone's house, email me (damien at streetsblog dot org) your RSVP and I'll send you the rest of the details.
On Thursday, December 8th at 7:00 P.M., we'll be hosting our first annual "end of the year" party at St. Andrew's West L.A. We'll have lots of food, folks and fun. We'll also be handing out some of the 2011 Streetsie Awards for advocate of the year, elected official of the year and more....Suggested donation is $30, but like all Streetsblog events the price is on a sliding scale Do you have an idea for who or what should win a Streetsie? Leave your suggestions in the comments section.