Tuesday - Transportation for America and the Bus Riders Union is hosting a press event and rally to urge government leaders to remember transit riders when discussing transportation funding. Read their media advisory, here.
Tuesday - The "Main Street Road Diet" in Venice is moving on and is up for discussion with the Venice Neighborhood Council. I'll be posting more on this later today, but in the meantime you can get the details, here.
Wednesday, Thursday - Metro is hosting community update meetings on the environmental studies for the Eastside Extension of the Gold Line (Phase II). This study evaluates the two build alternatives, SR-60 Light Rail Transit (LRT) and Washington Boulevard LRT, along with the required No Build and Transportation System Management (TSM) alternatives. Get the details, here.
Thursday - The Metro Board of Directors will meet for their monthly meeting. The agenda hasn't been posted yet, but when it is it will be posted here. We'll have a full preview tomorrow.
Thursday, Friday - On September 22nd and 23rd, 2011, the Consulate General of the Netherlands, in cooperation with LACBC and City of Los Angeles, will host ThinkBike, a unique, bi-national bicycle promotion and design workshop. There's great opening and closing sessions for the event, and you can get more details, here.
Saturday - The Los Angeles Railroad Heritage Foundation hosts a bus tour of L.A.'s rail car history that sounds pretty amazing. If it wasn't my kids birthday, I might have joined them. Get all the details, here.