Usually, our monthly survey features a Q and A between you, the readers, and one of the elected officials or government staffers that writes, passes and enforces transportation policy. This month, we're going to do something a little different. I asked personal injury attorney and avid cyclist Howard Krepack if he would take your questions about, well whatever you want within his area of expertise.
Krepack is one of the principles in the firm of Gordon, Edelstein, Krepack, Grant, Felton and Goldstein LLP, better known as GEK-Law. Yes, they're Streetsblog sponsors, but they're roots in bicycle advocacy go a lot deeper than supporting our efforts. He was recently interviewed by the City of Lights program of the Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition about his support of safe cycling for all cyclists.
He's also a heck of a personal injury lawyer, especially for cases involving bicycle riders.
Do you have a question about the city's Bicyclist Anti-Harassment Ordinance or a state "3 foot passing law?" How about the legality of group rides? If you've been in a crash and don't mind sharing your story with the world, feel free to ask for some legal advice, although you would probably be better served filling out the form for a confidential and free case evaluation.
You can leave questions for Krepack here, or at our Facebook and Twitter pages. We'll submit your questions on Monday, so you have some time to think if there's any legal advice you need.