- Slideshow: Imagining L.A. without Cars (GOOD)
- Business, Enviros, Push Boxer on Funding Transit Projects (The Source)
- Commenting Account of Water and Power Employee Taunting Cyclists Is Fake (Biking In L.A.)
- Bike Sharing Can Save Lives (KCET)
- Truckers Like Higher Speed Limits (Land Line)
- Just Bask for a Second in This Headline (LA_Now)
- "Anonymous" Goes After Traffic Safety Website? (LAist)
- Some Nice Upgrades to the Ballona Creek Bike Path in Culver City (CC Times)
- Michigan Puts Its Transportation Engineers on Bikes...You Game L.A.? (Cap. Hill Streetsblog)
- LA/OC Gas Prices Continue to Fall (Daily News)
More headlines at Streetsblog Capitol Hill