Our mad captioner is at it again. Last Thursday, we debuted our Streetfilm where Los Angeles City Council Chair Bill Rosendahl re-learned how to ride a bicycle and took a bike safety class with two League of American Cyclists instructors, Meghan Kavanagh and Don Ward. Yesterday, our friend David Barboza added Spanish captions to the film so that it's available to a wider audience.
I feel a little weird writing a review of the film for the second time in five days, so if you want more you can re-read last week's write-up.
Besides "Its Just Like Riding a Bicycle," here's a list of all the "L.A. Streetfilms" that have Spanish subtitles.
And by popular demand, here’s a list of all the L.A. Streetfilms that now have Spanish subtitles:
L.A. Street Summit 2010: Building Momentum for Change
Long Beach Shifts Into High Gear