If you were expecting a short week because of the upcoming holiday weekend, think again!
Monday, Tuesday - This round of open houses for the California High Speed Rail Authority comes to an end, at least for Los Angeles, with meetings in Lincoln Heighs on Monday and El Sereno on Thursday. Get all the details, here.
Tuesday - SCAG hosts their monthly "Toolbox Tuesday" event focusing on some aspect of planning that could make our lives better. This month, the theme is public health and urban planning. All of these events start at 10:00 at SCAG HQ Downtown. Get all the details, here.
Tuesday - The Transit Coalition hosts their monthly dinner meetings, and this month Bart Reed actually filled out our calendar post for us. Even more exciting, OCTA (and former CALTRANS) head boss Will Kempton will take questions from attendees. Get all the details at our calendar section.
Wednesday - The Westside Mobility Plan holds the last of their three community updates for (you guessed it!) the Westside. Get the details, here.
Wednesday, Thursday - Metro hosts a pair of updates for the Regional Connector meetings on back to back nights in Dowtown Los Angeles. We gave a preview of the meetings before they kicked off last week, and our friend Carter Rubin did a review at The Source. Get the details for these meetings, here.
Thursday - Its a busy week for the California Association of Governments, this is their second public forum! Sometimes I can go a month without publishing the word SCAG. This forum is about environmental justice in transportation planning. Check it out, here.
Thursday - BREATHE LA is back with another of their forums on public health and transportation, this month's subject is about TOD along the Wilshire Corridor and has the catchy title, "Keeping the Mile a Miracle." Cute. The Conference is being held right in the heart of the Miracle Mile, 5858 Wilshire Blvd.
Sunday - What better way to celebrate our country's founding than a bike ride? Adams and Jefferson may not have been bicyclists, but their namesake intersections are where this ride begins. Cute, LACBC, cute. Get the details, here.