- This Story About the Red Light Camera Debate Is Scary for Reasons That Have Nothing to Do With Transportation or Safety (LAT)
- LADOT Unveils Bike Plans for Downtown Streets (Blog Downtown)
- Metro Will Debate Today Whether to Give Away Bus, Rail Service During Carmageddon (The Source)
- Update on the Updates on the Regional Connector (The Source)
- Wrapping up the City's Bike Planning Meeting (Bikeside)
- A Second Review of Tuesday's "Move L.A." Conference (HuffPo)
- Villaraigosa Pushes Boxer for Fed. Safe Routes to Schools Funds (Safe Routes to School)
- Bike Coalition Works on Spanish Language "Give Me 3" P.S.A.'s (LACBC Blog)
- Bev. Hills Residents Annoyed Weenies on City Council Aren't Fighting Subway Route Enough (Patch)
- Demand for Denser Housing on the Rise in California (LAT)
More headlines at Streetsblog Capitol Hill