Where: Pershing Square - 532 South Olive St., Los Angeles 90013
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Metro plans to add more general purpose lanes as part of its 14 Freeway expansion project through Santa Clarita - a part of L.A. County that is reeling from triple digit heat
Scorching climate-catastrophe-driven heat continues, plus broken sidewalks, 710 Freeway homes, 14 Freeway expansion, carnage, a Santa Monica woonerf, and more
CicLAvia in Lincoln Heights, Burbank council candidates forum, Glendale greenway, Metrolink, Highway 14 expansion, Noche de las Luminarias, Metro Youth Council, and more
Metro/Caltrans highway expansion will encourage more vehicle trips, exposing already disadvantaged, environmental justice communities to even more pollution, with lifelong health impacts
Climate's too darn hot... plus Van Nuys rail, Glendale greenway, Safe Streets grants, Westwood, Measure ULA, La Crescenta, and lots of carnage