(While we initially reported the Bus Only Lanes hearing would be on Wednesday, it was moved to Tuesday at the request of one of the Councilmen who couldn't make the Wednesday hearing. - DN)
While we usually wait until Monday to do our events listings for the coming week, there are two items on next week's City Council agendas that will be of interest to Streetsblog readers on Tuesday and Wednesday at 10:00 A.M. in City Hall.
Tuesday - The City Council will consider temporarily appointing Jaime De La Vega to be General Manager of the Department of Transportation. The Council doesn't have enough information to make a full appointment, the ethics office hasn't completed their mandatory study, but Interim GM Amir Sedadi's appointment ends next Friday so something had to happen. Council staff assures me that they expect to vote on a permanent appointment later this month. However, if you have something to add to the debate, there will be public comment on Tuesday as the Transportation Committee hasn't held a hearing for De La Vega's appointment.
Tuesday could also mark the last legislative hearing on the Wilshire Bus Only Lanes. If the Council votes to support a 7.7 route, concurring with the route already approved by the Metro Board of Directors, then the hearing process would end and staff could submit the 7.7 mile route to the FTA for final consideration. If they select a different route, both Metro and the Council would have to work together to select a route that both bodies can live with. This most likely doesn't close the book on the project as the Brentwood Community Council has already signaled an attempt to sue to stop the project based on what they term a faulty environmental study.