- Villaraigosa Fingered for Killing MRT's Crenshaw Motion in South L.A. (Wave)
- Greuel Subpoenas 1,000 Cleared "Gold Card" Tickets (LAT, Daily News)
- Orange Line to Chatsworth Half Way There (Patch)
- Exhibit in Downtown Caltrans Building (aka Death Star) Focuses on Bike History (L.A. as Subject)
- LADOT Installing 100 Bike Racks a Month in 2011 (LADOT Bike Blog)
- When the 405 Closes, Traffic Might Backup to Santa Clarita (The Source)
- Penalties Rising for Drivers Texting While Crashing (Crime Voice)
- Cyclist Run Down by Aggressive Driver in Highland Park, LAPD Yet to Respond (Patch)
- Bike Kitchen Co-Founder Opening Brewery in Long Beach (LAT)
More headlines at Streetsblog Capitol Hill