- Everyone Loves CicLAvia (Daily News, LAT, ABC, KTLA, LALATE, BH Courier, The Source)
- Except for the Person That Wrote This Headline (NBC 4)
- Even Some Former Skeptics Are on Board (LA Weekly)
- Now That We've Established CicLAvia Is a Success, On to South L.A.! (On Central)
- Suspicious Package on Union Station Tracks Shuts Down Red/Purple Line Sunday Afternoon (LA_Now)
- Knabe Talks Up Transit During "State of the County" (L.A. Wave)
- Downtown Stadium/Event Center Could Require County Permits Too (LAT)
- To Make Room for Transit, Denver Eliminates "Scramble Crosswalks" (Denver Post)
- Historical Photos: See the Brooklyn Bridge When It Was Mainly Carrying Transit (Brownstoner)
More headlines at Streetsblog Capitol Hill