- LACBC: Bike Lanes Coming on 7th Street
- Long Beach Bike Advocate Mark Bixby Killed in Plane Crash (Biking In L.A.)
- APTA Wants Delay in Requirement for High-Tech Safety Systems. Metrolink Ticked. (LAT)
- Does FTA Think Metro's Bus Cuts Are Racist? Time Will Tell (LAT, AP)
- P.R. for High Speed Rail Making New Opponents (LA Weekly)
- Palin: Kenyan, Socialist, Muslim, Terrorist Sympathizer Responsible for High Gas Prices (Politico)
- T&I Hearings Resume at the End of the Month (DC Streetsblog)
- House Republicans Respond to Rising Gas Prices By Trying to Gut Emission Standards (SF Gate)
- Rep. Zoe Lofgren to Announce High-Speed Rail Congressional Caucus (Sac Bee)
- Westside Urban Forum Hosting Discussion Tomorrow on Measure R, 30/10 and Transit Planning (Calendar Section)
More headlines at Streetsblog Capitol Hill