Tuesday - The Community Health Councils hosts an afternoon conference on the lack of open space in South L.A. featuring...the residents of South L.A.! You can get the very basic details of the event at our calendar page, but the CHC has a much better description on their website.
Tuesday - The debate over the Wilbur Avenue Road Diet reaches a major milestone as speeding traffic advocates seem poised to get the the LADOT to remove part of the Diet. To rally folks to the 6:00 P.M. meeting, there are also a pair of community walks planned for the big day.
Tuesday - Ironically, while Valley residents debate moving a local street back to the Jurassic Era, a group of visionaries from around the country will be releasing a manual for moving Los Angeles' streets forward. To read the flyer on the "Redesigning Our Streets: A Manual for Healthy, Livable, Communities," click here.
Wednesday-Thursday - While there's more focus on the final Board Meeting held on the 4th Thursday of the month, a lot of the heavy lifting for the Metro Board of Directors happens during the Committee work. Get the Committee schedule, here.
Thursday - The L.A. County Department of Public Health hosts their third open house on Transit Oriented Development in South L.A. in the Watts Senior Citizen Center. Get the details, here.
Friday - Join LAPA for a frank and forward-thinking discussion on the future of public recreation in Los Angeles. We have invited elected officials, policy makers, advocates and community residents to come together to share information on the LA city budget and cuts to Recreation & Parks Department, the devastating impacts, challenges and solutions. Get the details, here.