- Residents Not Happy with 710 Tunnel Proposal (Glendale News-Press)
- 3rd Option for Westside Century City Station Actually Alternative for SM Blvd. Station (The Source)
- Meet the New Mulholland St. Bridge Over the 405, Same as the Old... (Daily News)
- "710 Conversations" Online Presentation Online (The Source)
- More on the Transit Coalition's Map for the 405 Line (KCET)
- Prices Going Up at Norwalk Metrolink Parking Lots (Metrolink)
- A Look at SB375 Implementation in the Southland (Transbay Blog)
- LaHood: Facebook and Twitter Don’t Belong on the Dashboard (NYT)
- Hollywood Animator Killed Checking on His Ferrari on Ventura Freeway (LA_Now)
- A Critique of the LA Weekly Bike Story from Two Weeks Ago (Who's(e) Bicycling)
- "A Garden Grove family was uncertain this morning whether they would be able to go back to sleep in their home after an SUV crashed into their living room" (Daily News)
This weekend I spoke at Oxy's Media Reform conference on a panel with Tony Arrenaga, Chris Kidd and Siel Ju. You can follow the conference on twitter at http://twitter.com/#!/search?q=%23justmedia
More headlines at Streetsblog Capitol Hill