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Download the current presentation being shown for the Westside Subway Extension at community meetings by ## clicking here.##
Download the current presentation being shown for the Westside Subway Extension at community meetings by ## clicking here.##
    • Westside Subway Extension Presentation Now Online (The Source)
    • Speaking of Which, There's Another Meeting Tonight (Daily News)
    • Boxer, House Transpo. Chair Mica, Sit Shoulder to Shoulder at State of the Union (DC Streetsblog)
    • Metro Bus Driver Shot in Face with Pellet Gun.  Yes, There Was an Arrest (LA_Now)
    • Orange County Letter Writers Happy to Hate High Speed Rail (OC Register)
    • Daily News Reveling in City's #3, or Not #1, Ranking for Freeway Congestion
    • 16 Year Old Found Shot Dead Next to Bike in Pomona (ABC7)
    • Chinese Cities Reveling in the Power of BRT (City Fix)
    • SPRINT Sponsors CicLAvia (Press Release)
    • Sign Up Now for the River Ride (LACBC Blog)

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