January 25 (10:00 am – 1:00 pm)Mixed Use Development Traffic Impacts & Bike and Pedestrian Circulation Analysis
A national study for the US EPA developed a new methodology to more accurately predict the traffic impacts of mixed use developments. The potential vehicle trip reductions analyzed were significant enough to demonstrate that conventional trip generation methods could exaggerate roadway impacts and the need for mitigation which may include higher impact fees, exactions, and negotiated payments than should be the case. These factors could also contribute to potentially discouraging development of otherwise desirable projects.
Expert consultants in applying Mixed Use Development (MXD) Trip Generation methodologies will provide an overview of these innovative techniques, and provide insights into applying these techniques in Southern California. In addition, they will cover traffic engineering based methodologies for analyzing bike and pedestrian volume and level of service at intersections. Applying traffic engineering standards to bike and pedestrian circulation is an important next step in adequately accommodating alternatives to automobile travel in southern California communities.
Sessions will be held at SCAG’s offices in downtown Los Angeles and attendance is limited. Register early by contacting Marco Anderson at SCAG via email anderson@scag.ca.gov or phone (213) 236-1879.
All sessions will also be offered via live video-conference at the following SCAG regional offices. In order to register, please contact the local regional officers listed below or Marco Anderson:
Imperial County
1224 State Street, Suite B, El Centro, CA 92243
Rosanna Bayon Moore, Regional Affairs Officer
(760) 353-7800 Direct or moorer@scag.ca.gov
Orange County
600 S. Main Street, Suite 912, Orange, CA 92863
Matthew Horton, Regional Affairs Officer
(213) 236-1980 Direct or horton@scag.ca.gov
Riverside County
3403 10th Street, Suite 805, Riverside, CA 92501
Arnold San Miguel, Regional Affairs Officer
(909) 806-3556 Direct or sanmigue@scag.ca.gov
San Bernardino County
1170 W. 3rd Street, Suite 140, San Bernardino, CA 92410
Arnold San Miguel, Regional Affairs Officer
(909) 806-3556 Direct or sanmigue@scag.ca.gov
Ventura County
950 County Square Drive, Suite 101,Ventura, CA 93003
John Procter, Regional Affairs Officer
(805) 642-2800 Direct or procter@scag.ca.gov
You will receive an email with additional details after registering.
Future classes on other exciting topics will be announced via email and on the Compass Blueprint website.