Monday-Wednedsay-Thursday-Friday - We usually don't announce meetings of Metro's local service councils, but with another round of bus cuts looming, they might be more spirited than usual. The San Gabriel Valley Council, Westside/Central Council, Gateway Cities Councils and South Bay Council all meet in the next 5 days. If you live in one of those areas, you might want to get the details and pay them a visit. Get the full schedule and agendas here.
Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday - Speaking of the South Bay, meetings for the new South Bay bike plan kick off this week with three hearings. Get all the details, here.
Wednesday - At 2:00 P.M., the City Council Transportation Committee meets to discuss, amongst other things, its project list for Metro's local aid programs and the Wilshire BRT Lanes. Read the full agenda here, (minus the BRT stuff, that's going to be added special later today, and we'll talk about it then.)
Wednesday - The American Institute of Architects hosts a roundtable discussion of the opportunities and challenges that Los Angeles planners face in the coming years, especially with 30/10 looming on the near horizon. Get more information on the event here.
Saturday - Our friends at the Bikerowave are hosting a FREE maintenance workshop. This beginner class covers bicycle basics with an emphasis on properly fitting your Bike. Please RSVP with the Bikerowave by emailing The Bikerowave is located at 12255 Venice Blvd, Mar Vista, CA 90066
Saturday - There, wasn't that week exhausting? Let's all relax at the Bike Talk fundraiser. If you've ever listened to an episode you know their value to the cycling community, so let's get out there and show our support. $10 gets you in and gets you some Fat Tire Beer and munchies. The party runs from 7:30 until late at Vlad the Retailer at Hel-Mel. For more information, click here.