- Don't Worry Brentwood, You'll Get Another Shot at Getting Your BRT Exemption (The Source)
- LACBC: As members of the Metro Board of Directors you should all be committed to upholding Metro’s Mission...
- Some More Measured Coverage (Curbed, LAT)
- Meanwhile, Downtowners Upset They Aren't Getting More Transit (Blog Downtown)
- Free Transit for Field Trips Moves Forward (LAist)
- Wilshire/405 Flyover Ramps on the Way (LA Observed)
- Roundup of the Rest of the Meeting (The Source)
- Innovator Gabe Klein Is Out at DC DOT as New Administration Comes to City Hall (GGW, WaPo)
- Santa Monica Residents, and SM Spoke, Rail at Texas Developers Giants Plans (Daily Press)
- Monrovia's Gold Line Station Wins "Transit Village" Planning Award (LAist)
- Debating EVs as Volt and Leaf Get EPA Ratings (Huff Po)
- Contempt for Brown Act Not Limited to Metro Board (City Watch)
- To Cut Budgets, Will Cities Consider Merging? (Minn Post)
- Detailed Look at a National Infrastructure Bank (Transport Nation)
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