- Daily News : No on Prop. 23
- Local Stimulus: $111 Million, 55 Jobs (City Watch)
- Epstein : Metro Needs a "Plan B" for 30/10 (HuffPo)
- A Couple of Major Pitfalls to the Bike Plan (Bikeside)
- We Can Certainly Be More Original than "Bridge and Tunnel" to Discuss Hipster Commuters (KCET)
- Salon Gives a Half-Serious Look at Asian Interests in CAHSR
- New Gerald Desmond Bridge Just for Engine Powered Vehicles (LB Post)
- Biggest Bike-Share in America Debuts in Nation’s Capital (WaPo, NYT, GGW)
- LaHood: Distracted Drivers Killed 5,500, Injured 450,000 in 2009 (Orlando Sen via Transpo Nation)
- How to Load Your Bike on a Bus' Bike Rack (The Source)
- How Germany Deals with Bikes on Trains. Hint, It's Not Threaten Cyclists on the Internet (Railzone)
- Downtown L.A. Loves Parks Too! (Downtown News)
For more headlines, visit Capitol Hill Streetsblog