AIA Los Angeles presents...
"A Greener City Through Better Land-Use - Part 5"
A Breakfast Reception with Art Leahy and Michael LoGrande
moderated by Michael Woo
Friday, September 24 (8:00-9:30am)
City Club on Bunker Hill
333 S. Grand Avenue
54th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Hosted by Parsons Brinckerhoff
AIA Members - $15.00
non-members - $30.00
Art Leahy is the Chief Executive Officer, METRO
Michael LoGrande is the Director of City Planning, City of Los Angeles
Michael Woo is the Dean of the College of Environmental Design, Cal Poly Pomona
As part five of our 2010 AIA|LA Breakfast Series entitled "A Greener City Through Better Land-Use", this breakfast reception will a feature a dialogue between Art Leahy and Michael LoGrande moderated by Michael Woo. Although formatted as a panel discussion, the reception will continue our seven part series of roundtable discussions with civic officials about how we can build and operate a more environmentally and economically sustainable City by making better land-use decisions.