At the Huffington Post, Joel Epstein, who has done a heck of a job pushing 30/10, wrote a piece pondering the absolute lack of Hollywood star power in promoting transit as opposed to promoting things like electric-powered cars. Of course, that Hollywood movies present heroes driving muscle cars, saving the universe with cars that turn into robots, and motorcycles as the key to freedom doesn't help. And when a comet is about to crash into the earth, who is going to save us? Oil drillers. Jeesh.
Now if I'm going to assign weekend homework, I would prefer to tell you to find a Hollywood Star who wants to lend their name (and wallet) to promoting transportation options; but I thought I would go easy on you since L.A. Streetsblog is in transition mode itself. But if you are a Hollywood Star and are interested in being the spokesperson for transit, drop me an email at
So your homework is to outline the plot and cast your L.A. Transit Movie. Leave your work in the comments section. I'll post mine a little later this weekend, and the best movie will get a "Best of Streetfilms" DVD.