Wednesday is one over-booked night. What do people have against Tuesday? Oh, and check out that fundraiser on Friday. Sounds like fun. You should go.
Wednesday - Marks the beginning of the summer bike series known as Tour LaBonge. City Council Transportation Committee Chair Tom LaBonge leads a series of rides throughout his district. Get the details for this ride, in our calendar section.
Wednesday - If you prefer bike policy to bike meetings, the first Metro Bicycle Roundtable Sub-Committee will be meeting at Metro HQ at 6:00 P.M. The topic? Implementation of Metro's bike goals.
Wednesday - Santa Monica Spokes, the newest chapter of the LACBC, holds an organizational meeting that is open to the public. Join them at 502 Colorado Avenue at 6:30.
Wednesday-Thursday -SCAG continues to collect data about what the future holds for the La Cienega Corridor. Honestly? I find a lot of La Cienega to be some of the worst place to walk or bike.
Thursday - Another public meeting for the L.A. County Bike Master Plan. This time, the meeting is in Newhall.
Thursday-Friday - Leaders from the U.S. High Speed Rail Association head to ground zero for coming HSR construction, Downtown Los Angeles! This two-day conference is sure to be packed full of information about the capital project that could change the landscape of transportation in California. Get the details, here.
Friday - Back in the days of yore, the second Friday of the month was "Northeast L.A. Critical Mass." That ride seems to have petered out, but you can still take a ride in NELA, this time as part of a Streetsblog fundraiser. $10 gets you Clif Bars, stickers, other goodies and a great ride...Get all the details, and make fun of the graphic for the ride cards, here.
Saturday - Explore the art and culture of Echo Park and Filipino Town with the "Art Folk Ride." Check it out, here.
Next Monday - And for anyone looking ahead...next Monday, the DEIR hearings for the Wilshire Bus-Only lanes kick-off. Get all the details, here.