Graphic from Be a Green Commuter Blog on how to ride transit to campus.
- Four Cops from Last Friday's Critical Mess Put on Desk Duty (LAT, LA Weekly)
- More on Tuesday's LABAC/LAPD Meeting (LAist, KPCC)
- City should implement bike lanes in response to LAPD Critical Mass brutality (Eco-Village)
- Bicyclists Sue City of Seattle Over Crashes on Streetcar Tracks (The Seattle Times, Bike Portland)
- City Officials Ponder Future of Clean Tech Corridor (Downtown News)
- First "Official" Historic Studies of Route 66 Kick Off Next Weekend (LAT)
- Complete Streets, Transit-Oriented Development Top Grist List for Kicking Offshore Oil Habit ...
- ... Obama Admin Not Nearly as Decisive (Post, News), Though We Won't Be Nuking the Gulf (NYT)
- Mini-Apartments Becoming Option for Classy Areas (LAT)
- When a Professional Cyclist is Killed in S.B.; Lawyers Claim an Accident (SB Sun via Biking in L.A.)
(Yesterday, I accidentally listed a story, Musings on Trends and Challenges of Increased Transit Use, as written by me that was by Dana Gabbard. My bad. - DN)