Over 500 slogans have been submitted to the Bike Safety Slogan
Contest being organized by the un-likely (some would say un-holy)
coalition of the LAPD, the LACBC, MidnightRidazz.com, and the LADOT.
These groups have been working with the City of Los Angeles to procure
ad spaces in bus shelters and Public Amenity Kiosks (PAK.) The goal
being to raise awareness among road users about issues such as rights,
rules, safety, and road courtesy in relation to bicycles. The final
slogan will be designed and illustrated by the world renowned artist Geoff McFetridge.
top ten list of slogans has been procured from the entries and now the
coalition is looking for more input from the public before the final
slogan is chosen for production.
You are invited to comment, pick apart, improve upon and otherwise
discuss the slogan. The goal is to get a broad consensus and an
effective campaign. You may comment here, on Facebook or on MidnightRidazz.com
Drum roll.... the slogans please:
- Share the lane. We're in it together.
- Don’t be pass aggressive
- Caution: Your Neighbor Ahead
- Our lives are in your hands. Pass at a safe distance.
- 2 wheels 4 wheels 1 road 4 everyone
- Look twice. Drive nice.
- Big Or Small / The Road's For All
- These lanes belong to both you and me!