- New CAHSR Chair Coming Today (LA_Now)
- Biking In L.A.'s Disturbing Story from Jury Duty
- CicLAvia Gets Hand from Bikes Belong
- Ed Begley Jr.: Easiest Way to Go Green is Walking, Cycling, Taking Transit (HuffPo)
- In NY, More Cyclists Riding, Fewer Crashes and Injuries (NYC Streetsblog)
- Corvette Driver Kills 4 Peds. in Van Nuys (KPCC)
- Downtown BID Wants Some Courtesy from Dog Walkers (Downtown News)
- Rate of Swedish Children Cycling Decreases as Helmet PromotionIncreases (Copenhagenize)
- Judge Rules CA Can Take Local Redevelopment Funds (Examiner, AP via CoCo Times, Sac Bee)
- Coming Soon, Robots Parking Cars in WeHo (Government Tech.)
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