The hearings are scheduled as follows:
Interstate 110 (Harbor Freeway / Transitway) HOT Lanes Project
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Andrew Norman Hall
Los Angeles Orthopaedic Hospital Foundation
2400 South Flower St
Los Angeles, CA 90007
6pm – 8pm
There will be an informal open house from 5pm – 6pm.
Served by: Metro Bus Lines 37, 38, 40, 45, 55, 81, 603, Metro Silver Line, and Metro Blue Line.
Watch the hearing live online at
Interstate 10 (San Bernardino Freeway / Busway) HOT Lanes Project
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Metro San Gabriel Valley Service Sector
Council Chambers
3449 Santa Anita Av, 3rd Floor
El Monte, CA 91731
6pm – 8pm
There will be an informal open house from 5pm – 6pm.
Served by: Metro Bus Lines 70, 76, 190, 194, 267, 268, 577, Foothill
Transit Lines 178, 269, 486, 492, Silver Streak, and Metro Silver Line.
If you are unable to attend the meeting but would still like to follow
the presentation or participate in the meeting, please visit the
Project's Facebook <
For additional information, please contact Ron Kosinski at 213.897.0703.
For more information on ExpressLanes, visit us at <