For months, Metro has been upgrading their online presence. Between The Source, a twitter feed for service interruptions, and a Facebook page; you would think they hired a tech-savvy college student to upgrade their web presence. Today, they belatedly launched the Beta version of their new website. Metro has high hopes that the new website is going to make project information and other information important to their riders and stakeholders more visible and easier to find.
My first impression is that the website upgrade is a good one. By using tabs at the top of the page for the four different issues people would care about, "Getting Around," "News & Media," "Projects & Programs," and "About Us." Putting your cursor over a tab leads you to a long list of links. Thus far, I haven't found a dead link or other issue that would make you think they rolled the new site out too soon. What do you think of the new site? Leave your comments below, I know Metro is reading.