A couple of interesting things on the agenda this week, and the events are spread around the city so there's something for everyone.
Tuesday - CICLE hosts a meeting at Cafe de Leche
at 5000 York Blvd. to discuss what kind of improvements the community in Northeast L.A. wants to see on their streets. Besides Sharrows, of course. The meeting begins at 7:00 P.M.
Wednesday - Wednesday sees one of the more interesting events to appear on the calendar, as the Eco-Village hosts a talk byEric Romann, BusRiders Union organizer and producer of KPFK's Voices form the Frontlines at 7:30 P.M. at 110 Bimini Place. The interactive presentation is entitled, "
Re-Envisioning Urban Transportation &⁞ Building A Mass Movement for Civil Rights & Environmental Justice" which is so descriptive, I don't think i need to add anything else.
Thursday - Move LA sponsors its "We Love L.A." party at Catherdral Plaza, 555 Temple Street in Down Town Los Angeles. The invitation avoids the word "fundraiser" but when you have a lot of heavy hitters, such as Mayor Villaraigosa, Assemblyman Mike Feuer, and Supervisor Yaroslavsky being honored, and tickets packages range up to $35,000, you can bet that some funds are going to help the Measure R advocacy group move forward. The party starts at 6:00 P.M.
Saturday - The outreach continues for the plan to beautify Rosa Parks Station in South Los Angeles. This meeting begins at Ronald McNair Elementary School Cafeteria
1450 W El Segundo Blvd. at 10:00 A.M. For more information, or directions, visit the L.A. Streetsblog calendar section.
Saturday - The Southern California Transit advocates host their monthly meeting, which is open to the public, from 1:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. at Angelus Plaza. 255 South Hill Street. This week's featured speaker is Kim Turner of Torrance Transit.